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I might as well say that I believe things will always endure if they are true to begin with - at birth; thus they retain forever their form, clear and immaculate; and their resplendent aspect. And let the world tart itself up as it does these days: humans daubing their faces and thoughts, landscapes and houses dolled up in similar fashion, all over the earth. And so we come to the land of Greece; for here too, upon this Greek soil, all things are gradually and "progressively" (in the name of progress) putting on the mask of artifice and pretence and hypocrisy, which also poses as embellishment, development, wrong-headed arbitrary interference. All of which are new-fangled goings-on; for they have been "invented" by a (so-called) consumer society and a technology that flatters itself on being most elevated (High-Tech), when in reality it downgrades eternal manifestations of truth and wisdom, demolishes them so gratuitously, so senselessly, so irresponsibly - yet also to a certain degree so unsuspectingly. Here we are, then, faced with the problem; the major problem - appalling, hair-raising, nightmarish. And more or less insoluble. For how are we to bring about... the miracle? shake off the garish ornaments, the masks, the lies, the cosmetic fakery that holds us in thrall, that corrupts and debases things? Or is it perhaps no more than a passing squall (a spell of rough weather) which will soon be over and forgotten (if we take no account of the damage it leaves in its wake)?